Reliable gasket datasheets online
Additional approved Certificates
Determine data according to the standard EN 13555 for the gasket product
More is the only open, independent and free database for reliable gasket data. Open means that any organisation or company can publish it's data on, no ifs, ands or buts. Independent means, that there is no lobbying body behind Free means, that the published data is public and free to use by anyone. is a place for reliable gasket data which is the basis for calculating tight connections. is fundamental for the safe operation of plants and machines. Since 2006, with participation of the ESA and the Gaskets Workinggroup this vision is made available by the UAS Münster. Even today the Gaskets Workinggroup is envolved in the Orientation and Development.
Use the reliable gasket data just in time for your purpose? Our solution: the API. The API is an interface for calculation software, apps and websites. The API enables you to transfer the data with a dramatically reduced risk of transfer errors into your app.
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